dr Nataša Sturza Milić i dr Predrag Prtljaga
Visoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače „Mihailo Palov“ Vršac
REZIME: Fenomen fizičke aktivnosti i njen uticaj na različite aspekte života čoveka novija istraživanja sve više dovode u vezu sa kulturološkim i ekološkim uslovima. Uvažavanjem ekološkog modela obezbeđuju se sveobuhvatniji okviri za razumevanje uticaja fizičke aktivnosti na zdravlje i život ljudi, kao i mogućnosti intervencije. Rezultati novijih istraživanja ukazuju na veliki pad fizičke aktivnosti kod mladih ljudi između 18 i 24 godina. Cilj ovog rada usmeren je ka ispitivanju problema sveprisutnog sedentarnog (sedećeg) načina života kod studenata i ka iznalaženju mogućnosti za njegovo prevazilaženje u nastavi IKT i fizičkog vaspitanja. Na uzorku od 94 studenata Visoke škole u Vršcu utvrđeno je da slobodno vreme ovi mladi ljudi pretežno provode sedeći, a bitno manje baveći se različitim oblicima fizičke aktivnosti. Konstatovano je da više od polovine ispitanih studenata u slobodnom vremenu sedi četiri i više sati u sedećem položaju najviše surfujući internetom, dok manje gledaju TV i igraju kompjuterske igre. Fizičku aktivnost najveći broj ispitanih studenata upražnjava 1-2 puta nedeljno. Studenti smatraju da prostori u kojima se odvijaju fizičke aktivnosti delimično zadovoljavaju ekološke standarde. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pružaju osnovu za dalja interdisciplinarna istraživanja.
KLJUČNE REČI: fizička aktivnost, ekološki model, sedentarno ponašanje, ergonomija, studenti.
Integrative approach to the problem of sedentary life style of young people in ICT and physical education teaching
Dr Nataša Sturza Milić and Dr Predrag Prtljaga
Preschool Teacher Training College “Mihailo Palov” Vršac
ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of physical activity and its influence on various aspects of man’s life have in the recent research been often associated with cultural and ecological conditions. Respect for the ecological model ensures increasingly more comprehensive framework for understanding of the influence physical activity has on health and life of people, as well as possibilities of intervention. Resent research results have pointed to a great decrease of physical activity of young people aging between 18 and 24. The aim of the paper is to examine the problem of omnipresent sitting way of life of students and to try to find possibilities for overcoming such a serious problem in the teaching of ICT and physical education. According to a research carried out on a sample of 94 Vrsac College students, it has been found that these young people spend their free time predominantly sitting, being significantly less engaged in any form of physical activity. It was established that more than half of the subjects spend their free time sitting for or more hours a day in a sitting position mostly surfing on the Internet. This predominant free time activity is followed by watching TV and playing computer games. The greatest number of students is physically active once or twice a week. Students consider that the settings they have physical activity in partly satisfy ecological standards. The results of the current research offer possibilities for further interdisciplinary research.
KEYWORDS: physical activity, ecological model, sedentary life style, ergonomics, students.
* Sturza Milić, N., Prtljaga, P. (2017). Integrative approach to the problem of sedentary life style of young people in ICT and physical education teaching. U Robert Celec, (Ur.), Znanstvena monografija „Development of Ecological Responsibility“, 287-305, Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač. ISSN 0945-487X ISBN 978-3-8300-9620-7